Building a Cluster

Building our Cluster - Step by Step Guide

Here we’ll walk through the pre-requisites and then build to go from zero to PLONK over Ubuntu 18.04.3 (arm64) on RPi 4, in 8 steps.


Let’s take care of a few setup steps before we take on the actual cluster build. First we assume operation from a bash command-line. Much of this can be done from any full bash environment such as git bash for Windows. A full Ubuntu environment is needed for the last step and some operations but you can perform many of the steps from any bash environment, including day-to-day operation of your cluster.

pre-1: Generate SSH Key

Several of the utilities require we have a public SSH key installed on all nodes so we can operate like cattle. To generate an SSH key, perform the following steps:


When prompted for a passphrase just hit [Enter] for an empty passphrase. We’ll use this later in the build and for day-to-day cluster operations.

pre-2: Network planning

Assign a block of hostnames for our cluster. For illustration purposes we’ll assume we are going to have an 8 node cluster with nodes having hostnames in the range pi1...pi8. It’s helpful to have an additional non-clustered console node, so let’s reserve pi9 for that.

We’re going to need a small static IPv4 block reachable from our local network. We’ll assign one address to each cluster node as well as a block of addresses we reserve for the metallb load-balancer to automatically assign to external services.

This block should be reserved for cluster purposes and should not intersect with DHCP-assigned address ranges. For illustration, let’s assume our local network operates on and the 32 address block is reserved for the cluster we are building.

For convention, it’s helpful to match node hostnames with IP addresses, so we’ll use addresses as follows:

hostname node IP

We’ll reserve the range for metallb.

pre-3: Get rpi4utils and prep local config files

If not haven’t done so already, install git in the terminal environment. If this is a new installation be sure to set up initial configuration:

git config --global "John Doe"
git config --global
git config --global core.editor vim
# Set git to use the credential memory cache
git config --global credential.helper cache
# Set the cache to timeout after 1 hour (setting is in seconds)
git config --global credential.helper 'cache --timeout=3600'

Clone the rpi4utils project. We recommend having this in one level down from the home directory.

cd ~
git clone
cd rpi4utils

For the majority of our work we’ll be in rpi4utils or one of its subdirectories.

Now let’s set up our rpicluster.csv data source (used by some utilities). This CSV file holds data about our cluster, one row per node and is used to generate templates for cloud-init and hostfile entries on nodes.

To determine the MAC address for each node we will have to boot the node (perhaps with Raspbian), ping it and look at the ARP table. For now just leave the MAC column blank. (Once the cluster is operational we can retrieve all MAC addresses at once via rpic mac).

Edit the rpicluster.csv file and fill out hostname and publicip. We can leave mac and clusterip columns blank for now:

cp conf/rpicluster.csv.sample rpicluster.csv
vim rpicluster.csv

The columns in the cluster data CSV are as follows:

Column Purpose
mac The MAC address for the nodes 1gbps NIC
hostname The hostname for the node
publicip The IP address on our local (v)LAN for the node
clusterip The IP address on a private /24 accessible intra-cluster

pre-4: Prepare a cidata flashdrive for cloud-init

We are going to use cloud-init in ‘no-cloud’ mode to bootstrap nodes in our cluster. Ubuntu will automatically search for an attached volume with the name ‘cidata’ and if found, will use the seed data it contains to boostrap a node. (In a cloud environment the same thing is achieved with an http(s) data source).

We need a VFAT formatted volume named cidata that can be found and mounted at first boot. We do this by using a USB flashdrive. We can use any thumbdrive to do this, it doesn’t need to be expensive or have good performance. See the bill-of-materials for an inexpensive option.

Reformat it, create a single 32MB (minimal size) VFAT volume named cidata. We can use a tool such as gparted to do this simply and quickly. N.B. there should only be a single partition on the flash drive (this is important later when bootstrapping a new Pi 4 with USB3 root drive).

Copy the contents of the cloud directory into the root directory on the cidata partition you created. The sections below describe the content in detail. When booting for the first time, ensure the thumbdrive is in a USB3 slot and a microSD card has our Ubuntu image.

# Let's assume our flashdrive is on the device /dev/sda
gparted /dev/sda
# mount the flashdrive once the single VFAT partition is created
# copy the sample seed data files from cloud/seed into the root directory of your CIDATA flash drive

Edit the seed data files on the CIDATA volume in preparation for the first node:

  • change local-hostname: in meta-data to reflect the name for our first node
  • change instance_id: in meta-data to reflect a unique value
  • change addresses: in network-config to reflect the values selected above
  • ensure gateway4: in network-config is valid for our network
  • change password: in user-data to reflect the password you want to use for the ubuntu user
  • add the key generated via ssh-keygen in step pre-1 to user-data

Do this by replacing the corresponding section in user-data (shown below, leave the ‘-’ in place, replace the remainder of the line from ‘ssh-rsa’ onward) with the content of your public key (contents of ~/.ssh/

# add each entry to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys for the configured user or the
# first user defined in the user definition directive.
  - ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDyHu7LDlT6NH6Zo+jvrJszDlsMECwTljRvqRKoW6RKQJkVYQYsSnhlq8XQloTico4DkqFoHj1F41vnFcSnwARe/3yzrJ8aLIlTTNOLRcEbzrYA2KTiJK4NypDUMEBEZLaW1utb5r7vPy1NGnd7zHtf7o9xwVjbfUrCXd3fi8yBTm33C6qtm1XWADFg4q9qhVIFOvQ3QcdqpyI3ssrsvWuuyRm3jx9j7f1iq0q0XRCpLgQkWrLcGiAwGGrTTbBShGtcUoQ4i1rIpANtcQD7Y0DHsjpdt2qejvqOBJNWH+Czp/k4148NPXH17RmkhWeQKomjQ9GrGHCe4h58zKfE8aOV marshalld@NAPSL-R90GF6LY

pre-5: Install Balena Etcher and download Ubuntu image

Download and install Balena Etcher - this is the tool we will use to image microSD cards and SSD drives.

Download the current recommended arm64 Ubuntu image and save locally. We will find a link to the recommended image(s) at the bottom of the ‘preparing-an-image’ page.

N.B. the image above is built for USB3 root. At present RPi 4 firmware does not boot USB3 directly (a feature that will be added in future). We will have to copy the image onto both a microSD card and a USB3 drive and ensure both are present at boot time. The RPi 4 board will perform the initial portion of the boot from the microSD card, however it will mount the USB3 drive as root, operating much faster. The same image is designed to be imaged onto both the microSD card and the USB3 drive.

Build Steps

Now that all the pre-requisites are in place we go through the following steps to build the cluster. For steps 1 and 2, we recommend performing them one node at a time, coming back and adding each additional node when the previous one is verified.

We recommend using a label-maker (this Dymo LM160 is an inexpensive choice that works well) to add hostname labels to:

  • the ethernet port on each RPi 4 board (visible from the top of the cloudlet case)
  • the microSD card to be inserted into the slot for a given node
  • the SSD associated with a given node

This allows us to disassemble/reassemble your cluster without having to reimage.

Step 1: Image and Boot a Node

If this is our 2nd or subsequent node, repeat the edits in step pre-4 to reflect the hostname and IP address for the node we are working on.

  • add physical node labels to the microSD card and SSD card
  • use Balena Etcher to image the microSD with the image from step pre-5
  • use Balena Etcher to image the USB3 SSD drive with the image from step pre-5
  • add the physical node label to the top edge of the RPi ethernet port
  • put the microSD card in the microSD slot
  • put the CIDATA cloud init flashdrive in one USB3 slot
  • put the SSD drive cable in the other USB3 slot (order does not matter)
  • power up the node

First boot will take a little longer as cloud-init needs to run. Allow 3 or 4 minutes for the 1st boot - subsequent boots take seconds.

If we have an extra RPi 4 with an attached monitor it is useful to perform the 1st boot on that hardware. This allows us to inspect the boot output and cloud-init output.

Step 2: Verify a Node

  • ping the node with the IP address from the cloud-init network-config file
  • ssh into the node to ensure passphrase free operation ssh ubuntu@hostname. As this is the first time we log into the node you will be prompted to add the host to your `known_hosts’ file
  • append the node name to the RPNODES list in our ~/.rpicrc file (make sure there is a single space between subsequent entries)
  • verify the node responds with the rest of the cluster with a simple command such as rpic temp

If this is the first node, create the ~/.rpicrc file by copying from the sample provided and then editing:

cp conf/.rpicrc.sample ~/.rpicrc
vim ~/.rpicrc

Generally we will not need to change the value of RPUSER. For the RPNODES list, ensure it only contains a space separated list of nodes you have verified.

At this stage we can operate on our herd of nodes (cattle, not pets) with the rpic command.

rpic temp

Try rpic help for a list of sub-commands. One very important sub-command is rpic shutdown for a clean cluster shutdown.

Step 3: PLONK

rpi4utils contains scripts to install and configure PLONK on our cluster. With all the steps so far, we’ve been able to operate from a general bash command line. This step has only been verified on Ubuntu.

Begin by using the wrapper around k3sup to install a no-frills cluster.


The script will download and install k3sup and kubectl if they are not already installed on our controller environment.

The 1st node in the $RPNODES list will be configured as the Kubernetes master, other nodes in the list will be configured as agent workers.

A kubeconfig file is created in the rpi4utils directory. If you operate kubectl from here it will pick up that configuration by default.

Verify your cluster is up and running with:

kubectl get node

or if you have a wide terminal, try:

kubectl get node -o wide

Now we are ready to install additional software in our cluster:

  • metrics-server
  • the Kubernetes dashboard
  • the metallb load balancer
  • the ingress-nginx ingress controller
  • helm and tiller to allow us to deploy components via Charts

First you’ll have to edit conf/metallb/config.yaml and update addresses to reference the range reserved in step pre-2.

vim conf/metallb/config.yaml

Now we are ready to perform the installation via the script:


Ensure tiller has deployed successfully and is available before continuing.

Now we are ready to deploy OpenFaaS:


Admin creds are copied into the file ofcreds.txt in the local directory. Alternatively, you can set up values in advance in your ~/.rpicrc file - simply create and populate the variables $OFUSER and $OFPASSWD exist before running ofinstall.

OpenFaaS gateway-external is exposed on port 8080 on an external IP address assigned by metallb. You can find the details with the command:

kubectl describe svc gateway-external -n openfaas

For a quick verification, you can log into the OpenFaaS UI and deploy a function from the function store and invoke it.

Go to https://{externalip}:8080/ui in your browser. You will be prompted for a basic-auth login. Use the credentials from ofcreds.txt or pre-created in ~/.rpicrc.

You can check on OpenFaaS readiness via the script ofcheck.

Finally, we need to mesh the openfaas namespace with linkerd. Simply run:


Have patience, it can take several minutes. Once the deployments are all complete, access the linkerd webui via:

linkerd dashboard &

Refer to OpenFaaS tutorials and documentation to proceed from here.

And there you have it, zero to PLONK in 8 steps.